Tuesday 12 July 2016

Zulu Terrace (Mumbai)

Hey Everyone,
I'm going to share with you all my experiences with all the places I visit. My first post is about Zulu Terrace.
What can be the definition of 'Evening well spent'?
Well, let me tell you! I got a call from my friend asking me to join for a dinner. Who would say no to such an offer? So here I was traveling with my friend to Andheri (Mumbai), with a constant thought in mind that how the place will be where we were about to reach.
As you have guessed by its name, this place is located on the terrace near fun republic, not at all hard to miss...
As soon as I entered the corridor which led to the terrace, I had this 'wow' word stuck in my mouth. A wall full of diyas and then an amazing ambiance with a big screen for matches and small lamps for pleasant dinner. Just perfect and something which I have not seen for long.... The music in the background played the perfect numbers and I was thoroughly enjoying myself
The service was really nice... All the staff was friendly and had a smile on their face, they were interactive with every customer, which was a plus point as this is something very less seen...
What we ordered-
Virgin Guava Merry: Really good in taste and was a perfect mocktail to go for, this had a mix of different flavors and a perfect taste of guava in it....
Virgin Melon: I enjoyed this drink, fine chopped melon and mint gave the perfect taste to this mocktail...
Virgin Guava Merry & Virgin Melon

Tangy Orange: I don't think, I need to explain it any further. But this was a mocktail which turned my personal favorite, the real taste of orange with a mix of mint and pinch of salt gave it different taste all over and I loved it.
Kiwi Flavor Hookah: Hookahs are something we all love. Good in taste and smooth this hookah was different from what most of the places serves kiwi flavor, I loved it, though couldn't have it more than a few puffs.
Kiwi Flavor Hookah

Hariyali Paneer Tikka: The best part of any panner dish is that paneer should be really soft, and we found it here... Paneer is my favorite, served in any form and paneer tikka is something I love. The taste of this paneer tikka was perfect and I had that big smile while having it The blend of spices with spinach and mint marinated paneer and veggies grilled to perfection, made my taste buds happy.
Hariyali Paneer Tikka

Exotic Veggies in Oyster: A good in taste, this dish was perfect in spices. A minus thing in this dish was mushrooms which I'm allergic to and wasn't aware that the dish carries mushrooms until it was served, but still, the dish was a good treat. The oyster sauce was really yummy.
Exotic Veggies in Oyster

Veg Seek Kabab: Who doesn't love kebabs, I would have loved this one more, if it would have been spicier. Tough, I loved the chutney served along which was mint and coriander chutney and it was perfect in taste.
Veg Seek Kebab

Penne Mamarosa: Chef's signature dish, and named after him, this dish was the heart stealer for me. One bite and m sold... Pasta is my weakness and when I get to have something as yummy and tasty as this one, I turn out as a happy soul. A mixture of white and red sauce, this dish was cooked to perfection and had an amazing texture and taste.
Penne Mamarosa

Grilled veggies in spiced BBQ sauce: Served with rice, this dish had a perfect mix of spices. Veggies tasted really good and the sauce was perfect too. The way of presentation was really nice and the flavor that grilled veggies gave with the rice and sauce was thoroughly amazing.
Grilled Veggies in spiced BBQ sauce & Tangy Orange
Overall, the food was fantastic and the experience was amazing....
I would love to drop to this place again, especially for pasta and panner tikka...
Will be back soon.
And do like, comment and share...
Till then...
Take Care...
With Love

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